Effects of poor control hypertension


Imagine there is a broken pipe, and the water in the pipe are pumped in a high pressure condition, what will happen? the water leaked out and the high pressure water have sufficient force to harm the surrounding   . What if similar events happened in our blood arteries? uncontrolled high blood pressure (BP) force the blood to weakened the blood vessels and prolonged high BP will causes the blood vessels to leak out, as a results, the surrounding cells cant get sufficient oxygen, and the heart need to work harder to pump more blood against the high BP blood vessels. 

3 most prominent areas which I will be highlight is the kidney, brain and eyes. These area are filled with tiny little blood vessels which are easily break, uncontrolled BP causes the effect such as hemorrhagic stroke, blindness and kidney damage. any of these events occur will significantly affect the life of the patients.

The problem with hypertension is that, it is symptom-less condition, patients often feel good in normal time until every single cells of these organ been damaged and ignored the importance of taking the hypertensive medicines. Continuous monitoring of the BP is important for hypertensive patients.

Please do remember, if the pipe is broken we can call for plumber to fix it, but if the blood vessels is broken, we cant do anything to fix it… So please take your medicines regularly and have a good control of blood pressure

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