Introducing MyPlate


Introducing MyPlate

Introducing MyPlate which launch by US Department of Agriculture based on 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans to help consumers make better food choices.

MyPlate is designed to remind Americans to eat healthfully; it is not intended to change consumer behavior alone.

This are one of the article i taken from the website:

1. Balance calories
Find out how many calories YOU need for a day as a first step in managing your weight. Go to to find your calorie level. Being physically active also helps you balance calories.

2. Enjoy your food, but eat less
Take the time to fully enjoy your food as you eat it. Eating too fast or when your attention is elsewhere may lead to eating too many calories. Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues before, during, and after meals. Use them to recognize when to eat and when you’ve had enough.

3. Avoid oversized portions
Use a smaller plate, bowl, and glass. Portion out foods before you eat. When eating out, choose a smaller size option, share a dish, or take home part of your meal

4. Foods to eat more often
Eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fat-free or 1% milk and dairy products. These foods have the nutrients you need for health—including potassium, calcium, vitamin D, and fiber. Make them the basis for meals and snacks.

5. Make half your plate fruits and vegetables
Choose red, orange, and dark-green vegetables like tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and broccoli, along with other vegetables for your meals. Add fruit to meals as part of main or side dishes or as dessert.

6. Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk
They have the same amount of calcium and other essential nutrients as whole milk, but fewer calories and less saturated fat.

7. Make half your grains whole grains
To eat more whole grains, substitute a whole-grain product for a refined product—such as eating whole wheat bread instead of white bread or brown rice instead of white rice

8. Foods to eat less often
Cut back on foods high in solid fats, added sugars, and salt. They include cakes, cookies, ice cream, candies, sweetened drinks, pizza, and fatty meats like ribs, sausages, bacon, and hot dogs. Use these foods as occasional treats, not everyday foods.

9. Compare sodium in foods
Use the Nutrition Facts label to choose lower sodium versions of foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals. Select canned foods labeled “low sodium,” ”reduced sodium,” or “nosalt added”

10. Drink water instead of sugary drinks
Cut calories by drinking water or unsweetened beverages. Soda, energy drinks, and sports drinks are a major source of added sugar, and calories, in American diets.

Medicine vs Foods


Some of our daily food will affect the effectiveness of the medicines, such as vitamin k rich food (e.g green leafy vegetables) affect the warfarin therapy, purine containing food affects the effectiveness of the gout medicines. It is vital that patients having medicine to notice about importance of the interactions between food and medicine.

However, there are limitation of ones knowledge, even a experienced pharmacist or nutritionist cant have a complete list of the foods, to ease the searching of patients and medical professions, this application provide a list of food which can interact with medicines.

Currently this application is still under develop, the current features include:
– Food containing vitamin K (USDA)
– Food containing purines (
– Top Food that may affects your medicines
– Tips to avoid medicine and food interactions

Infographics are provided to enhance the understanding of the patients.

Hope that this application can helps in your daily life/work.. ^^